February 10, 2013

February 08, 2013


I guess the time will probably come where someone will well and truly ask me about the ubiquitous craze that is Kpop.

I don't like it. I really don't like it. I really really don't like it. I don't hold any hard feelings against it though cause music is a subjective kinda thing; no matter how far fetched or radical it may be, but if you like it then it's music. Below is a few paragraphs why I'm sticking to my guns and not embracing the K-wave for now, and probably for ever. It's time I reasoned myself out of something so superficial yet such a huge deal.

1. My heart is dead set somewhere else.
  The first and probably the biggest reason I'm not into it is because I'm ingrained in the world of rock. I've grown up along the likes of almost everything that has six strings and isn't Korean, and I'm not feeling the transition anytime soon, and probably not ever. Perhaps when that one interesting track comes around, it might be the catalyst. But that's a bold statement. A really bold statement.

2. Doesn't cut the mustard.
  It just doesn't. I don't feel the goosebumps, I don't feel the passion, I don't feel any emotion. It's bland, synthetic, recycled pop. It's under the influence of the west anyway, so why make the switch from the pioneers to the posers?

3. Old school vs New school.
  The old geezers you irk seeing them still performing today are the ones that did it the had way, guys. We had no internet, we had no viral tactic to get a fast ticket to the top. They huffed and puffed and clawed their musical arses up the ladder in the music industry, and they deserve the legendary status they have earned today. Nowadays, you just need a pretty face, some voice-transforming technology, a catchy tune, crappy references in your lyrics, and you're dead set with a hugely overrated image of the artist you claim to be. It was much harder back then. Kpop just doesn't float the boat, much less mine.

4. Is it really for the music?
  So is it? It's a question I think should strike home for some of us. For now there seems to be more hype about the looks than the sounds that these looks make. That's not the point of it all, is it? I don't follow a band cause of their looks. I follow bands because of their music. It's listening to them through the radio and enjoying yourself, not about raping the replay button on their music videos and mainly focusing on their looks and telling everyone about their unrealistically attractive faces.

5. The ignorance is strong. Too strong.
  Let's be reasonable here. Don't tell me what I'm listening to is utter garbage when said utter garbage is the same track listened to by many other millions in this world, reaching silver, gold, even platinum in terms of sales. Don't tell me I'm listening to rubbish when these artists are one of the biggest names in music itself, the biggest names in their countries, the biggest names in the world. Why switch? Your kpop artists most probably are fans themselves of these names I listen to, if not copying them. I'm not saying kpop artists are rubbish. I'm saying you should look at the stats.

This isn't a hatefest. This isn't a jab at you kpoppers. I'm just answering your question. Peace!

February 06, 2013

Blast from the past

Cut the skin to the bone
Fall asleep all alone
Hear your voice in the dark
Lose myself in your eyes
Choke my voice Say goodnight
As the world falls apart
Fuck I can't let this kill me, let go
I need some more time to fix this

Here's a letter for you
But the words get confused
And the conversation dies
Apologize for the past
Talk some shit take it back
Are we cursed to this life?

Fuck I can't let this kill me, let go
I need some more time to fix this problem
I need some more time to fix this problem
I need some more time to fix this

I'm talking to the ceiling
My life just lost all meaning
Do one thing for me tonight
I'm dying in this silence

The last star left in heaven
Is falling down to earth and
Do you still feel the same way?
Do you still feel the same way?

Fuck I can't let this kill me, let go
I need some more time to fix this problem
I need some more time to fix this problem
I need some more time to fix this