October 01, 2014

Ghost Confronting: GPA (generally pootastic average)

If you're in a hurry and need a quick summary of this post, the title generally is the whole epitome of this post. I need to clear my head of these thoughts before haunt my face as I go through my next semester.

(deep breath)

(warning: potential gif party)

(brace your mobile data)

(unless you're using wifi)


(unless you alr know my results lah in which case booo)


welp in one picture.

-MS6140(Basiclolno Mathematics) = B (3.0)
Shocked with this result cos 1)it's math and 2)the paper was another world of hard compared to past papers I was provided and practiced, but mostly cause 1)it's math. Maybe I could have done better? Considering the circumstances it's a good base to build on and my shock is happy shock hehe. Onwards to engineering math /faints

-MS6508(Computer Programming) = B (3.0)

It's an interesting module if only I'd build on what I've learnt (C++) but it's too basic to be of any use so sort of a meh. An A was ideal and a B+ was realistic until I took the unusually hard semester paper. Oh well. My everything other than semestral paper saved this module and I am extremely grateful for that, cos I definitely fell down the consistency stairs by a few steps nearing the end of the semester. Good riddance.

-MM1029(Introdution to HellEngineering) = B (3.0)

   It's funny cos that's the EXACT face I made when I saw what I got for the most credit-heavy and important(?????) module I should be going through. I knew my grade for this here module would probably determine my generally pootastic average, and I probably asked for a B given my shoddy practical work. Everything else was sorta okay, though that isn't saying much cos despite the thickass notes I was given, which covered everything from an engineer's process of thinking to the size and type of screws to the type of machinery used to the ethics behind these things, there really wasn't much but the practical sessions, for some reason. Oh and I had a retiring lecturer for this one who happened to be my form teacher as well. We didn't manage the best of farewells but here's me wishing you a happy retirement :-)

turning and milling machines I had to operate for practical. It's scarier and harder than it looks haha.

-MM1208(Computer Aided Drafting) = B+ (3.5)

I shouldn't be celebrating a wee B plus, but this module was especially hard ish for a lot of reasons, not least because drafting = drawing and this was basically a Photoshop class for engineering dudes and dudettes, except Photoshop is AutoCAD, a professional engineering drawing application of sorts. Given pretty rubbish eyesight, an even more rubbish hand to eye coordination and a very naggy lecturer, I'm not really complaining. There are shelves in the library filled with book tutorials for this stuff, and I'm just thankful I got to pick up a skill worth that sort of book-coverage, if  that's the right word.

Example drawing, if anyone is curious. 

-LC8002(General Education 2) = B+ (3.5)


-EC1403(Electronics) = C (2.0)

Ranted out about this piece of garbage already. Good RIDDANCE.

Overall Generally Pootastic Average: 2.958

There's nothing really left to do but to soldier on and hope (and do) for the best this coming semester. I should be doing better but hey, I should've done better for prelim Os so hopefully I finish my poly years similarly strong as I did for my secondary life, if not stronger hopefully. Afterall, life still goes on and there's still a way forward, so if anyone has underwhelmed the way I had then LET US RISE FROM THE ASHES AND TOGETHER WE SHALL PROCEED FORWARD  AND CONTINUE THIS LONG AND ARDUOUS MARCH AND TOGETHER WE SHALL OVERCOME AND UH DO BETTER :---)