January 27, 2013


Henry couldn't sleep at night. His first mission out on the field was a success on paper, but he wasn't feeling too smug. Sat up against the wall, he hugged his feet and rested his chin on his knees, staring out the window of the bunker, the glow of the moonlight only showing his defeated silhouette and a faint glint from his eyes.

"You okay, kid?" a familiar voice echoed from the darkness. Henry didn't flinch. A tall figure emerged and joined Henry, sitting alongside with long legs stretched on the floor.

Ridley was a veteran around these parts, having been in service for over ten years in the army. But behind the broad shoulders and war-hardened face was a man with a big heart, and tonight he's here to help the rookie catch hold of the harsh reality of war.

"I can't get that face outta my head, Ridley. It's crazy. This doesn't feel like war, man." Henry mumbled silently. He mumbles a bit again before letting out a long breath of air.


It was supposed to be a simple task. Breach, secure the sensitive documents, leave, and don't die. You always had to add that last bit, they always said. Henry always nervously laughed it off. Sure, death comes thick and fast around these neck of woods, but then again these men loved exaggerating and making a job as a soldier defying death everyday seem like any ordinary 9 to 5 day job.

The door was slightly ajar. Henry took point and discreetly nudged it open, creaks of friction between rust and metal emanating from the hinges. As a dwelling place for sensitive documents, the interior was more cleaner than expected, somewhat refined, almost. He pointed to a kettle on the stove just to the right.  One of his squad mates felt its side. Immediately he withdrew his hand, wringing it in reply.

Someone was still around. 

Henry beckoned his team back into formation, and proceeded on sweeping the house. No sooner than we had reached the first door did Henry get his first piece of action. Nonchalantly walking through doorway, a sudden crack of shattering glass resonated throughout the household. Looking down against the dim lighting, Henry notices the fishing wire still taut against his ankles. 


What happened next was a blur. The swing of a door further up the corridor. The crack of gunfire against the still of the night. The shouts of locals and Henry's own men amidst the crackles of their weapons. The bullets whizzing through the air. The shriek of pain as the insurgent was shot to his grave. 

Henry wasn't involved. He was too engrossed on an outline of a person behind the insurgent. Before he died in a spectacular fireworks of 5.56 NATO rounds, of course.

He had contemplated shooting at the figure, but then it didn't really involve itself in the crossfire, opting rather to watch on. It was only after the gunshots had stopped, after Henry's men started to march on, did the figure rush forward, instigating Henry to line up his sights. But then it stopped at the lifeless body, blood now pooling, crimson red against the faint lighting.

It was a kid, Henry thought. He could hear sniffles and quiet moans of the child, probably mourning the loss of a brother, maybe even a father. 


The boy then looked up, eyes locked with intent on Henry's. The vague illumination did nothing to cushion the cocktail of anger, sadness and helplessness all radiating from two brown eyes. 

"Henry, let's go, come on!"

Henry didn't hesitate, quickly getting back on his feet and carrying on with the team, but not before taking a last glance at the kid, now slowly diminishing from sight as he walked away. 


"How do you do it, man? How do you not break down seeing all that?" 

Henry looked up. Ridley's answer was simple.

"I don't, man."

 "When you come across these people, these civilians of the country, you can do anything, but you never look into those eyes of theirs. Look at their foreheads, look at their feet, anywhere. The pain showing from them eyes will crack you up."

January 19, 2013

January 17, 2013

An actual post for the new year

I haven't posted anything that's actually relevant to my real life so far since last year(old joke ha ha ha) so why not start now? The other posts are just what dribbles out of my salivating mind when it stresses out so again, welcome to the pipework of my human brain and the thoughts that are surrounding it. This blog is a catharsis of feelings, opinions and  facts. It is neither a journal limited to the rules of mainstream media, nor is it a personal notebook you keep at the bottom of your bag and do the occasional scribble on it on Geography lessons (whoops).

Shall we get to it then?

Yes it has, almost 17 days ago, that the year 2012 has left and along came a new 2013, one I'm anticipating to be one of the biggest years as a secondary student, what with O Levels and graduations and the like. Did I get a cliched list of new year resolutions? Not really, but as a general hopes and dreams kinda thing, I

- Wanna get bloody good grades and make a statement for myself
- Be a better man physically, mentally and spiritually
- Help my friends towards success, as stupidly ambitious as it sounds
- Be closer to my parents. Like really. Time runs and doesn't stop for shiz.
- Move on from the past. I'm a pretty flawed human being.

Change brings about a cocktail of emotions.
As well it has, for this year I undergo a huge change in environment, from a new school, to new classmates, to new challenges. And like the bold and underlined heading above, it brings a whole cocktail of emotions. Honestly, change is nice. Get out of your comfort zone and all that new age zen bull manure. But really, at such a sensitive time? No thanks. I'd take how it was last year, and I'd take it back with arms open wide. I can't say I'm not trying though, but as always, there's always a hint of doubt for the others. I am all in, my priority here is already listed above, and while I'm ready to accept it, I get the feeling others are treating it as utter bull. I can't help them with that, as nice as I want to be. All I can do is just be myself and push on. 

Where survival of the fittest matters, the heart will interrupt and break your head. Soon you're sacrificing yourself for something you never saw worthy.

The future, the present, and the past.
To round it off, I thought I'd round up these three things pretty concisely and pretty nicely for you lot. The past has taught me lots of stuff, which will be shared hopefully in future posts, the present is currently ramming huge turnips up my youknowhat, and the future? I'm torn up between aerospace and mass communication. They're literally the divide between the two parts of the brain, the technical, calculative side preferring learning bout a boyhood dream of being a pilot, and a more expressive, outgoing and creative mind wanting to travel the world and give opinions, write articles and express feelings to the worldwide world. How goes?

"Some'll laugh and some just sit and cry, you just sit down there and you wonder why."

January 16, 2013


Welcome to the first edition of a number of short posts I'd like to call The Short Guide To Handling Society And It's Truckload Of Horse Manure, or TSGTHSAITOHM for short, which doesn't seem short at all. In these brief posts I will share some information and opinion on my experiences interacting with the masses. And hopefully you guys would maybe understand, even benefit from these few paragraphs of advice and fast typing. Shall we get to it then?

Never take things at face value.
It is what it is. The superficial appearance of a person can always be what it is, but who's to say it won't go belly up and turn out to be a idiotic stuck up wanker? Exactly. Unless you know said person inside out then it's always nice to be wary of company. If it's a new face, try to see what said person is like when the limits are off. A chameleon adapts to its environment, so let's give him a neutral one and see how he blends in. And see for yourself, really.

Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.
Lending from Mario Puzo, this quote is probably the reason the Don was Don, and why he had the whole of NY in his hands in The Godfather. So what does it mean? Well, in a very complicated and deceptive world of politics, keeping one's enemy closer than his or her friend would be keeping tabs on how your enemies are getting along, knowing his or her strengths and weaknesses and generally being on good terms with them. What you do with that knowledge, though, isn't mentioned in this quote, so be responsible lads.

If you're a leader, be a leader.
We go through this every time. You're elected by your peeps to be a leader of sorts. Or maybe by authority higher than them. Or maybe you just happened to volunteer. Now I've had my fair share of leadership time, and probably the biggest advice I can give to budding leaders is to be one. So when am I not a leader? One of the ways I'd use often is to compare yourself with a dictator. Dictators are leaders. Just really bad ones. Dictators make their decisions for other people based on themselves, while leaders make decisions for other people that are actually based on other people. Always discuss decisions with your group, delegate jobs, do your own, do it well, and generally spread that power you get from leadership. The decisions you make should be the one that takes everyone forward, not just your own sorry ass. It's lonely on top.

Keep distance.
This is probably a controversial and weird, if not unacceptable advice, but trust me on this. I'm not implying you should deprive yourself of society like a fool, what I'm implying is that you should mix around, and mix around well when you do, but back off when you see it necessary. You see, to the general public that doesn't know you, you're only defined by the company you have. If you see yourself having better days in seclusion, then by all means. Being alone has its benefits too, prime of which is having no perceptions to fulfil. It's an experience beyond words. Try it.

Be yourself.
This is probably the last thing one does when in a group. You see, in a group there's always the infuential one that everyone will look to fit in with so that they'd be good buds and hopefully wrest out some of that influence. But what that does generally is turn the group into a cult following, and that influential wanker is playing kingpin. And he knows it. So be yourself, you're obligated to follow no one, and vice versa. This way, the friends you /do/ get are genuine acquaintances that want you. You'd want that too, don't you?

Till next time.

January 14, 2013

Three Days Grace- Last To Know

She just walked away.
Why didn't she tell me
And where do I go tonight
This isn't happening to me
This can't be happening to me
She didn't say a word
Just walked away
You were the first to say
That we were not ok
You were the firt to lie
When we were not alright
This was my first love
She was teh first to go
And when she left me for you
I was the last to know
Why didn't she tell me
Where to go tonight
She didn't say a word
She just walked away
You were the first to say
That we were not ok
You were the first to lie
When we were not alright
This was my first love
She was the firs to go
And when she left me for you
I was the last to know

I'll be the first to say
That now I'm ok
And for the first time
I've opened up my eyes
This was my worst love
You'll be the first to go
And when she leaves you for dead
You'll be the last to know

I'll be the first to say
That now I'm ok
And for the first time
I've opened up my eyes
This was my worst love
You'll be the first to go
And when she leaves you for dead
You'll be the last to know

January 13, 2013


Second Lieutenant Patrick Sterling chugs down water from his water container. Pat Sterling is currently due next week to return to his native Singapore after his military service here in Kabul. The SAF has attached the promising soldier to a team sent out to help alleviate the situation in the Afghan capital, working alongside the Delta Force from the US, and the SAS of the UK.

On this particular morning, Pat slumps over the tank hatch to the turret of the M1 Abrams, 6 (or 8 after economy inflation) million dollars worth of metal and destruction. He is supposed to keep watch for any suspicious targets, and he is doing so with a scale model of a Tyrannosaurus Rex, a toy he'd brought along which reminded him of his son's birthday a mere two days from his return.

"Come on now, Pat. If you miss something out because of a toy and we all get blown to heaven, I'm not gonna blame the dinosaur, I'm gonna blame the kid playing with it!" A fellow trooper boomed from inside the tank. Pat wasn't paying any attention though, he seems transfixed on the toy and all the memories that came with it. Warnings were put around the tank to ward people away from a 100- metre radius of the tank so he wasn't really worried.

 Unless of course, they wanted 50 calibers worth of shrapnel lodged into them. A poke at his feet from the barrel of a rifle jolts him from his trance.

"Pat! Target 12 o'clock, civilian on your six!"

Pat craned his head back. So it was. He puts the toy down and waves his hand away, signalling for the civilian to move away, but to no avail. Pat sighs and reluctantly gets out and drops neatly beside the tank. Wielding his assault rifle, he too walks toward the civilian, a little girl, still motioning for her to go.

"You have two minutes, or we will open fire," the voice crackled from his radio. He could already hear the mechanical whirr as the tank took aim.

Soon the little kid was looking up at the heavily armed Pat. The stolid man crouched and again, motioned for the girl to go, mouthing the words, "go". The girl had tears in her eyes and didn't acknowledge the hand motions.

Soon though, Pat realises why. The nondescript vest she was wearing had wires running throughout it and a red light seemed to emanate from it.

And it was blinking.

January 12, 2013

Yellowcard - Rivertown Blues

Here I go again
Another leap of faith
I close my eyes and wait to fall
I see a future in which I will soon become
The only truth you know at all
You wanna know what I'm thinking
I think about back then

Back when we built something new
The world was ours to conquer
And we were not afraid to lose ourselves
Somewhere inside this, you changed
And I could never follow you that way

I miss you madly and it's raining on the coast
I'm supposed to say "this was your loss", and "I'm fine"
I stare for hours at these numbers in my hand
But ringing you would mend your heart, and break mine
You wanna know what I'm thinking
I think about back then

Back when we built something new
The world was ours to conquer
And we were not afraid to lose ourselves
Somewhere inside this, you changed
And I could never follow you that way

(Sometimes I dream)
We laugh 'til we cry
(With smoke in our eyes)
Just like old times
Never again
That was back then

Back when we built something new
The world was ours to conquer
And we were not afraid to lose ourselves
Somewhere inside this, you changed
And I could never follow you that way

Somewhere inside this, you changed
And I could never follow you that way