January 17, 2013

An actual post for the new year

I haven't posted anything that's actually relevant to my real life so far since last year(old joke ha ha ha) so why not start now? The other posts are just what dribbles out of my salivating mind when it stresses out so again, welcome to the pipework of my human brain and the thoughts that are surrounding it. This blog is a catharsis of feelings, opinions and  facts. It is neither a journal limited to the rules of mainstream media, nor is it a personal notebook you keep at the bottom of your bag and do the occasional scribble on it on Geography lessons (whoops).

Shall we get to it then?

Yes it has, almost 17 days ago, that the year 2012 has left and along came a new 2013, one I'm anticipating to be one of the biggest years as a secondary student, what with O Levels and graduations and the like. Did I get a cliched list of new year resolutions? Not really, but as a general hopes and dreams kinda thing, I

- Wanna get bloody good grades and make a statement for myself
- Be a better man physically, mentally and spiritually
- Help my friends towards success, as stupidly ambitious as it sounds
- Be closer to my parents. Like really. Time runs and doesn't stop for shiz.
- Move on from the past. I'm a pretty flawed human being.

Change brings about a cocktail of emotions.
As well it has, for this year I undergo a huge change in environment, from a new school, to new classmates, to new challenges. And like the bold and underlined heading above, it brings a whole cocktail of emotions. Honestly, change is nice. Get out of your comfort zone and all that new age zen bull manure. But really, at such a sensitive time? No thanks. I'd take how it was last year, and I'd take it back with arms open wide. I can't say I'm not trying though, but as always, there's always a hint of doubt for the others. I am all in, my priority here is already listed above, and while I'm ready to accept it, I get the feeling others are treating it as utter bull. I can't help them with that, as nice as I want to be. All I can do is just be myself and push on. 

Where survival of the fittest matters, the heart will interrupt and break your head. Soon you're sacrificing yourself for something you never saw worthy.

The future, the present, and the past.
To round it off, I thought I'd round up these three things pretty concisely and pretty nicely for you lot. The past has taught me lots of stuff, which will be shared hopefully in future posts, the present is currently ramming huge turnips up my youknowhat, and the future? I'm torn up between aerospace and mass communication. They're literally the divide between the two parts of the brain, the technical, calculative side preferring learning bout a boyhood dream of being a pilot, and a more expressive, outgoing and creative mind wanting to travel the world and give opinions, write articles and express feelings to the worldwide world. How goes?

"Some'll laugh and some just sit and cry, you just sit down there and you wonder why."

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