May 01, 2013

Disclaimer: I am(visually) fine!!!!

Really though. I'm tired of explaining what little they can understand from whatever I went through regarding my vision. What's important, is that my vision is fine, all praises to Allah, and that I'm just long-sighted and therefore need spectacles. But of course, I should explain what exactly happened and what's gonna happen nao.

Here goes.

Let's go right back to the surgery itself. Two surgeries, two weeks, two eyes, and a lot of money. The lenses in my eyes are surgically removed and replaced with a pair of synthetic lenses, also called intraocular lens. 

These pair of lenses are monofocal, meaning they can only focus through one area. Similar to camera lenses, it basically means I can only focus on one area, near or far, or whatever, really. One will be made blur and the other as clear as daylight on a sunny beach. These lenses are made to a certain degree such that I am long-sighted. I had two other choices where I could be short-sighted and need spectacles for distance sports like, er, well, sports. (you can see why I ditched it) or be long on one and short on the other, which while sounding like the best of both worlds, it takes a /lot/ of getting used to. 

Anyway, back to the surgery. Post surgery recovery time constitutes getting used to the fake lenses, which took nearest makes no difference, a month. After (painfully, I should add) waiting out the month, I get a pair of spectacles ready. This pair of spectacles are no different than your normal spectacles, the only difference being that they're for long-sighted eyes, so they enable me to be near-sighted, hence affectionately being called "reading glasses."

After everything, I'm basically the same person, but better. My long vision is almost spot on, halos aside, and my near vision crap, hence the glasses. I have to admit I rely on my spectacles with simple activities like reading and writing (none of these two for a month I was dead) (I couldn't have sports too and that basically rammed the damn hammer into the coffin beside the final nail) (yep) and that makes for a bit of trouble. I also suck at distance related activities, like gauging when to smack the shit out of a shuttlecock or anticipating a volley to shoot the ball into the roof of the net.

I don't regret anything though. If this is what's planned by powers beyond myself, then I will follow through. I apologise in advance if my new found vision makes me a worse sportsman and a troublesome person in essence. 

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