April 15, 2013

Unsub #587626

This is the description of a man I encounter everyday. Your average teen guy, an unhealthy obsession with fitness, extreme sports and general negligence of what matters at such a tender age as his.

You will see him everyday, but shrug him off as just another showy man with nothing underneath. And how. He takes part in the cool things and neglects the mainstream, and thinks himself a loner with no friends. Negativity is cool, he'd say to his friends people around him. That's what he thinks anyway. It's a bit of a tough statement to the people who entertain him on a daily basis because they're called his friends. He's a pushover. Pushovers are generally like that.

But he's different, this guy is. He believes he mixes around well, and gets along with everyone. And he does. His friends value him for who he is, an outgoing and affable man. He isn't well exposed, and doesn't take kindly to criticism. It seems professionalism and diplomacy is lost on him. Advice isn't well received either but then that's always typical of him. He occasionally reeks of insecurity too. So how does he tackle it?

Cover it up with a huge ego, of course. Plastering it all over the superficial stuff. Pity. All that's needed is a but more effort at improving himself. But then again, criticism isn't his cup of tea. Denial is such a horrible disease. Do I like him? I'd say so. I don't think he considers me somebody better than him though. Not that it matters, anyway. I've got bigger fish to fry.

Do I have a message for him? Sure man. If you're reading this, it's time to wake up and focus on the important shit you don't wanna regret neglecting. I can help you, but only if you help yourself. You may think I'm better than you and therefore don't give a damn, but I'm just trying to help. Pull yourself together, and let's get out of this hard place between the two rocks.

Do you know who he is?

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