April 20, 2013

Unsub #792347

The first word thing that comes to mind when I think of this person is his manners. It seems as if it was something ingrained deep in his upbringing till now. You don't have to be a psychologist or some behavioral expert to know the person in front of you is being genuinely nice. You just feel it and take a moment to appreciate it.

He's your hybrid of phlegmatic and sanguine, a person with influence where his peers rate him highly, if not better than themselves, oozing with charisma while also being pretty laid-back with a very affable nature. He won't cut you down and reject you the first time you meet him, instead if not a close acquaintance of this fellow, you'd just be on good terms with no bad blood in between.

With that in mind, while being on the best of terms with this guy is a great plus, you do not wish to be enemies with him. No keed. The influential character he possesses will bring the common society between you two against you in particular, much like opposing a social worker, so unless you can measure up to the EQ on display or you just love to be a loner with no friends, you're better off just getting along.

If I had a message to this person, besides revising it over and over again to rid of anything incriminating, I'd say I really like you, I believe you have a bright future, you're intelligent while at the same time possess the social intellect many smart people assume they've already mastered. But you have to start mixing with the right friends, you can't progress any better than the people you mix around with, and it's already an issue if you're miles, if not eons better off than your pals. I wish you all the best, control your emotions, and stay cool. Peace.

Do you know who he is?

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