December 03, 2012


The coming of December marks the end of another year and the dawn of a new one. So for entertainment I shall put down a few highlights of this year and maybe a few stuff to look out for come next year.

 - Hilarious STE results. Personally I believe I can do much much MUCH better but I've moved on from that. Now that's left is for Os. For further details, read on.

- Cataract surgery. Due on the fifth and the twelfth, cause I've got two eyes, and really I'm buzzing to see what I've been missing with the new monofocal lenses(wish they could be coloured though) Those who are actually curious and not just shitting me, the natural lenses in my eyes, that can focus naturally make things clear due to processes I can't explain clearly, we'll call it magic, into synthetic lenses that can't focus and instead only look good at a specific distance. So I'll get better on long range but need spectacles on my near sighted behalf. Pretty buzzed, can't wait.

 - The going of a kindergarten friend overseas to continue his studies. Honestly, you've cost me more trouble than anything else, I have no reason to think you'll be any different there, if not worse, and I wish you all the best. Goodbye and good riddance.

- A change of environment. Due to some corporate upper level fiasco at school, the secondary students are dumped for snot nosed pain in the anus primary children and we are well kicked (colocating is such a soft political sugar coated word) out to another institution while still wearing the school badge, amazingly. There are a shitload of things wrong with my school, but I've got only my final year, so cheers lads.

 - To be honest I also miss the good old days when nothing mattered as much as our own selves. They say teenagers are the best time of our lives and I can understand why. You have the spending power of an adult yet have the same responsibility a child has. So spend your time to your fullest, my teenage friends.

 - O' Levels. Next year is a paramount year where everything will matter. Unlike STE, this holds a much much bigger impact on my future.  Expect lots of studying, having fun, and more desertions of this blog hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha kidding.

 - Graduation. D-Day cannot come faster. After waiting five years, I've been through a lot in this school, but while I'll miss all my friends and all that sappy stuff, I have to look forward and move on. This isn't to say I'll forget my own school, but moving on never meant forgetting history.

 - WP7.8. This software update, this minor software update, which is less expansive than WP8, is being relelased "early Q1, 2013". Besides the fact that there are WP7.8 devices being sold earlier, this is utter garbage. What's the delay, Microsofties?

 I'll stop here and regulate your food for thought. It's been nice letting everything out. Till next time fellas.

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