December 31, 2012

It's that time of year again

As the year 2012 winds down to an end and the following year dawns upon you and I, we look back at the amazingly good, the horribly bad, and the downright nasty of this year. These highlights of the year will hopefully be able to sum up this rollercoaster year and do good as a warning memento in the near future.

Probably the first thing that comes to mind is the STE examinations and the journey throughout the year. This is probably the only thing that has been amazingly good while being able to be horribly bad and at times downright nasty.Overall, I believe that it has just been absolutely immense, taking in all the life lessons, the daunting stress of the mind, the late nights, the minimal laughs and the post-exam freedom, I'm extremely grateful I've gone through it all. Would I go through it again? Yes and no. But more to no.

Along with raping the mind with books throughout the first few weeks, the school decides to wedge an inter-school competition in the midst of the whole thing. While this was distracting the hell out of all of us, it was still a pretty amazingly good experience. And probably the last. For this year marks the last of the Inter-Madrasah Games, or more aptly known as IMG, and, while looking alarmingly similar to an image format, it has been good while it lasted, and although I only managed a solitary silver, I won't spout any excuses (though tbh the only competitive year was this year) (and the stadium was absolute rubbish) (IT WAS EXAM YEAR) and accept it and wave farewell and look to the future. And IHG. Which has been equally great. Credits to JMS for destroying IMG.

Besides shoving sports events up our bottoms, the school decided we should have a debate team (two in fact, if not for the other team being, well, non-existent really) sent for a debate competition. Along with four other mates, we managed to claw our way through preliminaries, scrape through the quarters and semis, before surprisingly breezing through the finals, brushing aside opponents from universities and tertiary insituitions. As a personal account, I was badly written off by a number of people only known to the same four members that I was with, but well, I've succeeded. So really, shove it up your asses. It was such an enlightening utopia from the humdrum studying and I've really come to like it. So, when's the next competition?

This year also marked the first time I was diagnosed with cataracts. After suspected by an optician, I was sent to a hospital to see what's what. I had to go through blood tests and acuity tests and half the year's worth of time waiting as doctors try to find out why I'm down with cataracts. Doctors pin it down on hereditary issues but I'm pretty sure I got it out of nothing. Either way, surgery was decided after everything was over, which was around the end of the year, but sadly along the way I had to miss out two to three weeks of the holiday time doing strenuous stuff like sports. And I was too long-sighted for close-range activities from reading and writing to using my phone (sobs). Anyway. an assessment after the surgeries were done revealed that the lens in my left is off by a mere 200 degrees. Mere. I'm scheduled for another surgery to replace the lens next year so hopefully it will all be well. Downright nasty.

This year also marked the departure and disposal of two of my classmates. I'll let you categorize this into wherever you want. Honestly, one was a full on 24 stone prick who is deluded and sadly ignorantly stupid. He leaves after the school had decided after four years, that they'd had enough, and would let him go or they'd expel the pillock, four years too late. He didn't pay the fees, he never paid attention in class, and is constantly into trouble. Now he hasn't any future.  The other was a real asshat who thinks himself above others and generally is a wanker. This one was a tad smart though, albeit not smart enough to do what's right and eventually migrate out of the country. Both of you have cause me a great deal of trouble, and I wish of you all the best in future. Now sod off already.

There's probably a ton of other things, but I'm afraid I can't recall. Maybe next time I won't be as mentally old and will remember the good times. Here's to an immense 2012 and until next time, happy new year gaiz.

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