September 16, 2014

My technological fantasy

  Today I write to you from my Lenovo IdeaPad Y410p, a superbly fast but superbly heavy piece of metal and fake carbon fibre. Beside it is an old Samsung S3, a hand me down from my older brother, a rather functional (circa 2014 haha)piece of phone rendered out of date by the ever rising standards of technology.

Introducing my thousand dollar backache.

But I don't care.

From small, I've always been fascinated by technology, if that's the right word. I marvel at the many things that relate to the word technology, from the cars that ply the streets I live in, to the game consoles my friends enthusiastically talk of in school, to the big beautiful buildings that grace the world over, old and new, to those metal birds called airplanes and helicopters (where they got inspiration for the helicopter I don't even know) that zoom past quickly and noisily above our heads.

The Concorde, one of only two supersonic jets for normal people like you and I to travel in, now defunct.
(Yes, Singapore for the home feels.)

I loved how technology just gets better and better, faster and faster. I adored how something as simple as pressing a button, turning a knob, or a wheel, or just pulling triggers can have results often much bigger than how its catalyst (in short, how output>input but yknow keeping things simple haha). I was and have always been, for so long, dreaming of one day harnessing that knowledge and power and mastering it, driving 200 mph death traps or flying two ton death traps with wings, or sailing the seven seas in floating death traps, or starting the next big technological death trap revolution a la Sony with the portable music player or Apple with the first modern smartphone zzzz (let's not get too technical about this highly debatable fact).

The music player apps and iTuneses of today came from this little piece of plastic, yknow.

With that being said, I dream one day of achieving my dreams, if not just simply writing about them being achieved by someone else, maybe as a tech journalist, doing what I love about what I love to people that I love pay my wages haha. Besides my other passion being writing (another post for another day), getting one of the earlier insights on such things, writing about it in a part of the media that isn't as corrupt and being able to interview the people behind it AND generally being in the whole mix of it is something I would enjoy very much^^

To conclude, I hearts technology, and so should you. Because it's increasingly becoming a bigger part of our lives. What was a dream borne out of science fiction, has and will continue to slowly become our reality :)

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