September 01, 2014


So let me tell you the tale of my last paper for my first semester. I have to get this out or I won't enjoy my holidays bear with me for a bit here (if you're here) (edit: still here) (sayang allyall)


It was a lovely Thursday morning in Dover. I was up bright and early (paper was at four FOUR) for said paper though instead of finishing touches of revision, I was doing more of a put-out-a-forest-fire-with-a-bucket-of-water-this-may-not-work kinda studying for this paper. For let me tell you about the module for which this paper is set.

Electronics. Which is basically electricity in physics zoomed way in. There's the formulas, the fact that machines count differently than we do, the many many electrical components in existence,  stuff like that. It's feasible, but only if you have a good lecturer who explains concepts well, effective materials to study with, clear instructions on what to learn and all that good stuff.

Which I didn't have.

For I had a lecturer who was exceptional at everything related to teaching. And by exceptional I mean exceptionally bad puke worthy. Struggled to capture attention let alone teach. The class was also generally noisy and distracting so that sucked as well. I only recalled a dude who could understand the heck she was dribbling about while playing Battlefield 3. Everyone else was just meh. Me included.

Then came the textbook OH the amazing textbook. First of all the textbooks is updated yearly (OR SOMETHING IDK) to keep itself updated. This means past editions are near useless. Add in also that each edition is 25 bucks. And I'd be using it for throughout my three one semester. Only. It would only suck more if one bought the book and somehow some topics aren't covered in the book. Which was what precisely happened as well. I didn't buy the book, by the way. I slagged off the library resources and past year editions. Both of which didn't help a lot due to the different nature of all the books compared to the batcrazy syllabus set.

I should tell you more about this batcrazy syllabus, and the generally bad organisation for this module. Towards the examination, I get three four different sources as to what will be in the dag exam. I have my module coordinator announcing(cos apparently we needed guidelines cos some topics weren't in the book) that these few topics will be in the exam. Fine, great, whatever. Then I had my lecturer who sourced out her slides which labeled which topics were while necessary, conflicted what was announced. Well, this sucks, I guess I should play it safe and spam past year papers. Surely the same questions would be recycled right?

Wronggggg and don't call me Shirley HAHAHAHAHA ill show myself out. Apparently, the syllabus each year was different. Which was swell.

I totally bombed the paper. Not that I didn't bomb the other papers, but I absolutely Hiroshima-ed the hell out of this paper.

So glad the module is over.

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