September 01, 2012

Random writing #36446

This is a random snippet I write during my free time. Try to enjoy the puckish writing as it unfolds. Expect more of these random passages throughout the blog n_n

"I awake in a room sprawled on the carpeted floor. 

Oh God, I thought.

 I get up to my feet and stared out the window. Outside, a Nazi flag bearing the infamous swastika billowed proudly in the winter gale.

Oh God, I thought.

It seems the American time-traveling technology had worked. Unless this was a dream and I'm just living an elaborate Russian fantasy. It didn't deaden my eureka moment nonetheless. What did, was a sudden tightening of my windpipe courtesy of a muscular arm round my neck. I was immediately subdued, and then I got a German boot to the face. 

Oh God, I thought.

I managed to peek at the man before me through swelled eyes. Unsurprisingly, it was Adolf Hitler. It was after all, his office I woke up in. But I see him gripping something familiar though. I squint my left eye hard to get a faded glimpse. My cataract-ridden right eye was as good as gone. Then I saw it.

Oh God, I thought.

Hitler curiously scanned my phone, pressing buttons and watching intently as the screen of the rather remarkable contraption changed color. It must've fallen out of my pocket. This is bad. This is very bad. Smartphone technology was revolutionary in my time. What more now in the year 1942. This could put the Nazis ahead of the British and the Americans. This could win them the war. This could rewrite history. My mission to assassinate Hitler and avenge my loved ones had sunk into some deep shit water.

Oh dear God, I thought."

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