January 29, 2014

One last hurrah

Lostprophets: The band with the pedophile frontman

In December 2013, Lostprophets (former now) vocalist and lyricist Ian Watkins was charged with child sex offences, including attempting to rape a baby.  He will be put to rot for the next 35 years but has, since then, appealed to have his sentence shortened. Lostprophets has disbanded early this year. Apparently, no band member knew anything about their frontman and his heinous crime. I really wish to not elaborate much on it.

(Link: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-south-east-wales-25867257)

 I just wish to express my two cents.

Before that, here are just some reactions found in the comments of their YT videos:
  • "I've been in conflict with myself as to whether I should ever listen to LostProphets again. I can see things from both sides of the argument, I can understand someone who doesn't want to listen to this because of what the lead singer did and possible because they feel the music has now been tainted with his crimes. However I wouldn't condemn someone for wanting to continue listening to the music because they enjoy the music and are judging it only as a form of "art" and not by who wrote it. What that man did makes this song no worse or better than it was before this came to the public eye."
  • "It's very weird to think that Liberation Transmission was one of my favorite albums to-date. Now, all I can see is this monster for what he truly is. I was never too keen on him personally as I found him obnoxiously arrogant but who'd have thought he'd be capable of this. Just a heinous, despicable excuse for a human being, however I hope the rest of the group can someday move-on from this and let it go without being judged."
  • "If you have always been a fan of their music, why give it up now? Radio stations should continue to play the music, and people who enjoy the music should continue listening to it and not worry about "being judged". As for the rest of the band members, they should replace the singer with someone of equal talent and continue on with life and music. The lostprophets are talented artists and their music is enjoyable listening, and we should never, never, ever let one negative individual bring us all down into negativity and prevent us from appreciating a fabulous work of art."
  • "fucking pedophile ,children fucker"
  • I disagree, the band as a whole are not to blame for the sick things that he has done and tried to do. If anything HIS cut of the money from sales and future sales should be given to the victims, also his assets should be seized, sold and given to the victims too. What he has done is completely unforgivable but as I said the band should not be blamed. I agree with your comment that it has become difficult to enjoy their music knowing that he was involved."

This was actually old-ish news, and I only found out last night. It's probably a window in to how into this band I am. Which is not really. In the past though, they were one of many rock bands I found myself listening to. After reading the news, I hit the interwebz to have a listen again to the band that once was.

Everything has changed.

It doesn't feel the same as it was before. I found myself constantly trying to fit pedophilia narratives into the lyrics as they were sung. I couldn't relax and listen purely to the sounds anymore. Knowing that the music he's been making has somehow contributed to his committing of the crime. The money that has come from sales of the records have gone to him. And still will, as he rots in jail. 

To Ian Watkins, you were probably out of your mind on drugs, and you were not thinking straight (I hope) when you decided to commit these crimes. Pity your family, your band mates. How could you? Personally, I don't give a damn whether one abuses drugs, but you will be personally responsible for what you do as a result of such a thing. Well you've done something now, and my word you will be responsible. If we good law-abiding citizens are disgusted with you, I don't wanna know what crooks would wanna do to you in prison. You were a rockstar, somebody's idol, another teen's hero, an icon. 

Now you are nothing but a disgrace. 

January 25, 2014

Anberlin guys

Money doesn't talk, it just rules.

"You adult what? Pay adult fare lah haiya."

I must've missed the memo on Murphy's Law's Day. 

I was running late, I'd forgotten my daily allowance, and my last few coins were about to go into overpaying the bus fare. I didn't have the time to argue. My fingers groped in my wallet for spare change.

"Oi hurry up lah!" the bus driver barked at me.

It seems he isn't having the rosiest day either. Absolutely reasonable to lash out at his clientele, then. Frontline staff should know better. You're paid to properly accommodate customers, regardless of a bad day. Paid also to ensure a good commuter experience, also regardless of your psychological state of mind due to the proverbial menstrual cycle. So what manner of glue exactly, were you sniffing when....oh bother T.T

"Eh uncle, I got no change ah."

I was immediately shooed out. Profanityyy


All in the day of a child traveling for the price of an adult in Singapore GOD

(Context: Tertiary institutions vary according to the transport fares their students need to pay. Students with textbooks sleep deprived eyes and uniforms and caffeine addictions studying for exams shall continue paying the student fare whereas polytechnic students, who apparently are adults who are too young to work yet too old to be considered students learn skills and knowledge that belong to the adult world, deserve the adult fare. So there's that for logic then)

January 19, 2014

January 18, 2014

The next chapter

So how was your results? You've certainly outdone yourself in some subjects and underperformed in others. Any thoughts?

Subject by subject:
Arabic Lang---A1 Probably the last subject I expected a distinction for. I guess I did quite well, considering the whole damned thing was about snow.
Malay Lang--- A2 Probably the first subject I expected a distinction for (haha). I got a B3 first time round so I'm just thankful. Thoughh I am a legit Malay and shouldn't waste precious points here. Whatever.
English Lang--  B3 This was a tricky one. Maybe they wanted to end the old syllabus with a the bang in the form of a tough as heck paper. I did wish I had fared better though. I know I'm capable. Maybe next time.
Maths (!!!)-----B3 (no words)
Science-------- B3 Never did manage to claw my way to a distinction for this sub anyway. Meh ish.
Geography----- B4 Well I never. Was it my handwriting? Was it under-par elaboration? Was it just a case of shitting the bed? I will never know. (probably was my handwriting)

Overall, I can't say I'm not proud nor thankful for what I've attained. Compared to my preliminaries, this is surely a drop in some subs (all but math) but definitely a job very well done in others (none but math). Highlights do include my Arabic, maybe only because I did better than expected. My math though. What a show. I got a rubbish F9 for it in preliminaries, but thankfully thankfully thankfully, I managed to turn it around, by sheer effort and a good load of help from family, friends and definitely my mentors. I was down and out and ready to give in after the preliminary failure, but maybe there was a hidden good behind it, or hikmah, in that I wouldn't get complacent (which I most certainly would) and let let my foot off the gas.

If I had to sum up how I managed to do so, it would be down to hard work in revisions and study, belief in powers beyond myself, along with my own ability, to get there, and support and guidance from friends and family. I had the privilege of being in the company of very highly motivated friends and a wonderfully dedicated mentor, and I am very very grateful for that. Thank you, guys. No words can justify how extremely privileged I am. Alhamdulillah.

An L1R5 of 16 and an L1R4 of 12. So what's next?

Welllll only some highlight choices:

1-(SP)Aeronautical Engineering: Basically aircraft-related engineering. It's a childhood dream to be a pilot. Besides, it's the best aerospace course so far. I couldn't find anything else that interested me while at the same time, wasn't all about sitting in an office doing research. I qualify on the dot (12) so let's hope all goes well.

2-(TP)Law and Management: Only non-JC path to law. Yes I am actually interested in taking up such a field. Shock? I work well with words, I lie pretty well (unfortuately ish), I talk a lot, I love a bit of drama. It's a road not traveled by many, and I figure the uniqueness would be cool (read: hipster). I may just be brainwashed by John Grisham books though. Cracked my brain trying to choose between this and my first choice. Applied JPSAE for this too, just in case. Let's hope I made the right choice.

3-(NP)Aerospace Technology: See Aeronautical Engineering at SP. This one is a tad easier to qualify for. Plus I stnnd a chance of keeping up with homies who are aiming for Ngee Ann also. So that's good.

4-(SP)Bioengineering: Engineering related to healthcare and biology, basically, such as making pacemakers and other hospital and life saving equipment. Amazing isn't it, to be able to have a hand in saving people's lives, or making it better for many. What better way to make a difference.

7-(Arts)Innova Junior College: This is set at seventh, as the safety net of all safety nets. The only field I will pursue should I go is only law, hence the decision to go for the less stressy path in TP. My lack of extra subs mean I am very limited to the arts stream, taking on content heavy subs that do not need prior knowledge, meaning tons of memorisation. I am sad to miss out though, since a lot of my friends are actually going to JCs albeit top ones that I don't qualify for, can like study together or something. Along with A levellers at madrasah hahaha. Guess that's not on the agenda :(

So yurppp.I am deeply sorry to say that I am not planning on pursuing religious studies. But hopefully I will be able to take a part time diploma pertaining to Islamic studies anytime I may be able to do so. It's not a lack of interest; I just can't put it into words. I figure since there are already madrasahs chocked with religious students, I'm sure I can depend on them teach my future kids a thing or two in a few years' time. All the best to them. And to all my buddies ofc.

Thank you for answering your own questions, Mu'az. Let's hope readers now know more about you after this post. All the best for your choices. Now back to your unrealistic short stories.

Pleasure, Mu'az.

Of Trials and Tribulations

Three words kept ringing through my head that day. This, it and is, not in that order, of course. The 13th of January marked the day my buddies and I were to collect some results for some huge examination that could possibly have a huge hand in determining our future. So no pressure then.

This is it.

I decided the best way to kick off the longest day of my life was by stuffing my tummy senseless of food. So I starved myself the night before, and went to Seoul Garden  the following morning with some friends and ate my heart out. The best way to a man's heart is through his stomach, and I did a damned good job of getting to my own heart and suppressing any forms of fear, anxiety and more fear with not-so-well cooked meat and ice creaaam, leaving the place bloated but content. I quietly tapped my ever-thinning wallet in my back pocket and tried to justify the dwindling thickness.

This is it.

The trip to school was relatively uneventful, generally because I was too full to work my brain, but particularly, I suspect, because I was blinded by fear only four minutes into the journey. Bad call for a king's breakfast? Depends on your grades, your Highness. Let's not go there. As the train slipped into dark tunnels, my mind was cleared of the nice green scenery. I struggled to think of things other than my damned results. Wonder how these tunnels were made.

This is it.

I arrived slightly late and slunk in an empty seat. Now I was properly nervous. Relax, relax and listen to the principal. Right ok. Yes we're the golden batch. Yes, yes, did our best, everything is a blessing, life is still rainbows and unicorns, all that jazz. I recoiled in horror every couple of minutes as a new subject was brought up over and over again T.T a certain team of debaters were honourably mentioned, apparently. Dunno what that's all about. But enough of all that, let's move on to the top tennnn.

This isn't it yet.

The expected faces came up as the numbers and names tumbled out. Tears, solemness, whatever. I did have a dying dream of one day making it up there, but sadly it wasn't my time. I was genuinely happy for my top ten friends, though. Knowing somehow somewhere I've helped them get up there is something I'm highly content with. This is my sincere congratulations, peeps. Good show^^

This is almost it.

The top dog in my batch came just in time to skip a seat and made his way to the stage, so that was amusing. Anyway anyway anyway, good job, you're still awesome even without being on the stage, more showers of praise and the whole thing was finally overr. Results timee. My stomach was a messsss. Slowly, students were called forward and collected their respective slips.

This is definitely it.

I made my way to the front and meekly offered a hand to my teacher. Assalamualaikum sir. Yes sir. Five working days to submit sir. Yes, of course. Thank you sir. I gingerly made my way back, hands in a slight tremor. Wait, did I just make out my math teacher saying my math was "power"? With a legit thumbs up? I guess that was a good sign. I dismissed it very early on. It was so faint and subtle I took it with the hugest grain of salt. Okok.

This is (legit) it.

/falls asleep typing the post out

January 08, 2014

Catharsis #2697

"Don't forget the school letter tomorrow."

Ma poked her head through the door of my room and left an envelope on the desk.

"I'm not going tomorrow lah."

I was on my bed, trying to sleep. Not that I was going to have a long day tomorrow.

"But it's Friday. Half day. You'll feel good after prayers."

I shifted to my other side, facing away from the door. Ma was always the optimist. She stood her ground, a slender shadow looming over me from the lighted doorway. We didn't exchange words for a while. Until I heard a sigh, then, "Good night, sayang."

The door closed and the light was gone. I shifted again and laid on my back, desperate to sleep. The time was almost ten, brought to you by my Sony smartphone. Way too early for sleepy time. And definitely way too stuffy for my liking. I sat up and hugged my long, not-too hairy legs, resting my chin between my knees.

  It was the third time in a week I'd decided against school. My parents seemed to buy it that there was not much to the lessons except self-revision, what with exams around the corner and being able to do it at home and all that jazz. My mum was always one to see through it and suspect something was up, although she didn't know what. My dad ,of course, dismissed any worries about his intelligent and strong boy having issues in school (for the record, I'm underweight and my grades are average).

And that's okay. I don't want them mixing around in my life. Or should they? Am i being brave and independent or just a punk ass bitch, as they put it, if I confide in my parents? Why should I put them first, ahead of my very own parents?

A sudden pain seared through my side. Shit, that's why, I thought to myself.

Pulling up my shirt, I stared at my body and imagined the bruises through the darkness. I groped for the yoko-yoko on my bedside table. Apparently using muscle pain ointment helps with punches to the body. Heck it, I thought.

The first thing I remember about school isn't the knowledge, not the teachers, and most definitely not the food. Nah. It's all about the people you're in contact with the most next to your parents. Yup, my dear friends. "Them," if you will, as I endearingly referred to previously.

You see, I have this issue with my friends where I'm being taken advantage of. Because I was so mentally weak and physically just average, I am easily stepped on, easily mocked, easily made fun of. I was a laughing stock, the joke of my friends. It was beyond horrible. Couple that with my dwindling grades. I wasn't intelligent. I was especially shit at science. I was weak, and I was stupid. Everyday was a living nightmare. I left school everyday physically and mentally bruised.

Of course, as with every case, I didn't involve any manner of adult in the shithole I was in. I wanted to feel independent, to feel like I didn't need help. Maybe that was my undoing after being brainwashed by my friends, my dear loving friends. What I knew, or what I was made to think, was that I would be especially weak to confide in my parents or my teachers. Even to the point that that wouldn't help, somehow. I was terrified. Kids kill themselves because such things. I would be living hell for a year. And there was nothing I could do about it.

The door opened again.

"Yes, Ma, I'm going tomorrow lah. Joking only."

The low voice that replied caught me for a second.

"Jangan kesah dengan kawan-kawan merepek kau tu. Jangan dengar dorang cakap kau bodoh lah tu semua. Sekarang, exam lagi penting. Belajar betul-betul, tunjuk dorang sape yang bodoh."

 "Yang penting bukan popular atau bagus main bola atau paling handsome ape semua tu. Sekarang memang selalu susah; kene tahan je. Now isn't the time to fight back. Keep your head down, work hard. Esok, kite tengok sape susah. Esok kite nampak sape yang pandai."

(Translation: Don't care about your lousy friends. Don't believe them when they call you stupid and the like. Right now, exams are more important. Study hard, and show them who's the true imbecile.

What's important isn't being the most popular, or best at soccer, or most handsome etc. It is always going to be tough, we have to tolerate. Now isn't the time to fight back. Keep your head down, work hard. Tomorrow, we see who suffers. Tomorrow, we see the shrewd.)

I nodded my head from underneath the blanket. Whether my dad saw or acknowledged my subtle reply, I will never know. The door did close though.

Every word my father had said made sense.

I reassumed my sleeping position, concealed within blankets. The menthol was freezing over, and comfort was at a premium.

But I felt better. I felt trust, and I felt belief. Tomorrow was going to be a new day. Time to keep my head down and tahan, and tolerate all that BS. Five, ten years on, maybe, we will indeed see, who is the truly shrewd.

-Long story short, I did. And it sure as hell wasn't them ^^