January 18, 2014

The next chapter

So how was your results? You've certainly outdone yourself in some subjects and underperformed in others. Any thoughts?

Subject by subject:
Arabic Lang---A1 Probably the last subject I expected a distinction for. I guess I did quite well, considering the whole damned thing was about snow.
Malay Lang--- A2 Probably the first subject I expected a distinction for (haha). I got a B3 first time round so I'm just thankful. Thoughh I am a legit Malay and shouldn't waste precious points here. Whatever.
English Lang--  B3 This was a tricky one. Maybe they wanted to end the old syllabus with a the bang in the form of a tough as heck paper. I did wish I had fared better though. I know I'm capable. Maybe next time.
Maths (!!!)-----B3 (no words)
Science-------- B3 Never did manage to claw my way to a distinction for this sub anyway. Meh ish.
Geography----- B4 Well I never. Was it my handwriting? Was it under-par elaboration? Was it just a case of shitting the bed? I will never know. (probably was my handwriting)

Overall, I can't say I'm not proud nor thankful for what I've attained. Compared to my preliminaries, this is surely a drop in some subs (all but math) but definitely a job very well done in others (none but math). Highlights do include my Arabic, maybe only because I did better than expected. My math though. What a show. I got a rubbish F9 for it in preliminaries, but thankfully thankfully thankfully, I managed to turn it around, by sheer effort and a good load of help from family, friends and definitely my mentors. I was down and out and ready to give in after the preliminary failure, but maybe there was a hidden good behind it, or hikmah, in that I wouldn't get complacent (which I most certainly would) and let let my foot off the gas.

If I had to sum up how I managed to do so, it would be down to hard work in revisions and study, belief in powers beyond myself, along with my own ability, to get there, and support and guidance from friends and family. I had the privilege of being in the company of very highly motivated friends and a wonderfully dedicated mentor, and I am very very grateful for that. Thank you, guys. No words can justify how extremely privileged I am. Alhamdulillah.

An L1R5 of 16 and an L1R4 of 12. So what's next?

Welllll only some highlight choices:

1-(SP)Aeronautical Engineering: Basically aircraft-related engineering. It's a childhood dream to be a pilot. Besides, it's the best aerospace course so far. I couldn't find anything else that interested me while at the same time, wasn't all about sitting in an office doing research. I qualify on the dot (12) so let's hope all goes well.

2-(TP)Law and Management: Only non-JC path to law. Yes I am actually interested in taking up such a field. Shock? I work well with words, I lie pretty well (unfortuately ish), I talk a lot, I love a bit of drama. It's a road not traveled by many, and I figure the uniqueness would be cool (read: hipster). I may just be brainwashed by John Grisham books though. Cracked my brain trying to choose between this and my first choice. Applied JPSAE for this too, just in case. Let's hope I made the right choice.

3-(NP)Aerospace Technology: See Aeronautical Engineering at SP. This one is a tad easier to qualify for. Plus I stnnd a chance of keeping up with homies who are aiming for Ngee Ann also. So that's good.

4-(SP)Bioengineering: Engineering related to healthcare and biology, basically, such as making pacemakers and other hospital and life saving equipment. Amazing isn't it, to be able to have a hand in saving people's lives, or making it better for many. What better way to make a difference.

7-(Arts)Innova Junior College: This is set at seventh, as the safety net of all safety nets. The only field I will pursue should I go is only law, hence the decision to go for the less stressy path in TP. My lack of extra subs mean I am very limited to the arts stream, taking on content heavy subs that do not need prior knowledge, meaning tons of memorisation. I am sad to miss out though, since a lot of my friends are actually going to JCs albeit top ones that I don't qualify for, can like study together or something. Along with A levellers at madrasah hahaha. Guess that's not on the agenda :(

So yurppp.I am deeply sorry to say that I am not planning on pursuing religious studies. But hopefully I will be able to take a part time diploma pertaining to Islamic studies anytime I may be able to do so. It's not a lack of interest; I just can't put it into words. I figure since there are already madrasahs chocked with religious students, I'm sure I can depend on them teach my future kids a thing or two in a few years' time. All the best to them. And to all my buddies ofc.

Thank you for answering your own questions, Mu'az. Let's hope readers now know more about you after this post. All the best for your choices. Now back to your unrealistic short stories.

Pleasure, Mu'az.

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