January 29, 2014

Lostprophets: The band with the pedophile frontman

In December 2013, Lostprophets (former now) vocalist and lyricist Ian Watkins was charged with child sex offences, including attempting to rape a baby.  He will be put to rot for the next 35 years but has, since then, appealed to have his sentence shortened. Lostprophets has disbanded early this year. Apparently, no band member knew anything about their frontman and his heinous crime. I really wish to not elaborate much on it.

(Link: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-south-east-wales-25867257)

 I just wish to express my two cents.

Before that, here are just some reactions found in the comments of their YT videos:
  • "I've been in conflict with myself as to whether I should ever listen to LostProphets again. I can see things from both sides of the argument, I can understand someone who doesn't want to listen to this because of what the lead singer did and possible because they feel the music has now been tainted with his crimes. However I wouldn't condemn someone for wanting to continue listening to the music because they enjoy the music and are judging it only as a form of "art" and not by who wrote it. What that man did makes this song no worse or better than it was before this came to the public eye."
  • "It's very weird to think that Liberation Transmission was one of my favorite albums to-date. Now, all I can see is this monster for what he truly is. I was never too keen on him personally as I found him obnoxiously arrogant but who'd have thought he'd be capable of this. Just a heinous, despicable excuse for a human being, however I hope the rest of the group can someday move-on from this and let it go without being judged."
  • "If you have always been a fan of their music, why give it up now? Radio stations should continue to play the music, and people who enjoy the music should continue listening to it and not worry about "being judged". As for the rest of the band members, they should replace the singer with someone of equal talent and continue on with life and music. The lostprophets are talented artists and their music is enjoyable listening, and we should never, never, ever let one negative individual bring us all down into negativity and prevent us from appreciating a fabulous work of art."
  • "fucking pedophile ,children fucker"
  • I disagree, the band as a whole are not to blame for the sick things that he has done and tried to do. If anything HIS cut of the money from sales and future sales should be given to the victims, also his assets should be seized, sold and given to the victims too. What he has done is completely unforgivable but as I said the band should not be blamed. I agree with your comment that it has become difficult to enjoy their music knowing that he was involved."

This was actually old-ish news, and I only found out last night. It's probably a window in to how into this band I am. Which is not really. In the past though, they were one of many rock bands I found myself listening to. After reading the news, I hit the interwebz to have a listen again to the band that once was.

Everything has changed.

It doesn't feel the same as it was before. I found myself constantly trying to fit pedophilia narratives into the lyrics as they were sung. I couldn't relax and listen purely to the sounds anymore. Knowing that the music he's been making has somehow contributed to his committing of the crime. The money that has come from sales of the records have gone to him. And still will, as he rots in jail. 

To Ian Watkins, you were probably out of your mind on drugs, and you were not thinking straight (I hope) when you decided to commit these crimes. Pity your family, your band mates. How could you? Personally, I don't give a damn whether one abuses drugs, but you will be personally responsible for what you do as a result of such a thing. Well you've done something now, and my word you will be responsible. If we good law-abiding citizens are disgusted with you, I don't wanna know what crooks would wanna do to you in prison. You were a rockstar, somebody's idol, another teen's hero, an icon. 

Now you are nothing but a disgrace. 

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